Monday, 21 January 2008

When friends drop in!

I love entertaining. I love when people come over.....particularly when it's people I haven't seen for years and we have time to sit down and talk for ages. So when Ali & Matt said they'd like to come and stay for a night while they were in the UK, I bounced around with joy for ages. I'd forgotten how exciting it was to go to the airport to pick someone up.

Anyway they arrived, we picked them up and took them out for an English Pub lunch!
Where we let both Matt's change the tire on our car!!
Then we showed off some of the English countryside and played at being Maria.
Then we bought doughnuts and mucked around on the Pier!
And even won something!
Before going home, doing some washing, opening a bottle of wine and chatting long into the night. It was great! We finally got to meet Ali's "Matt" and we agree that he is rather nice!! We got to show off some of our much loved town and we got to chill out and catch up which was fantastic.
The only sad thing is that they had to leave....

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Can we come and stay with you too?