Monday 31 December 2007

Ho Ho H-over...

I hope you all had a wonderful, merry and entertaining Christmas. We certainly did. Our Welsh Christmas turned out even better than we planned. The cottage was situated in the middle of the valley of nowhere, somewhere down a dirt track and there was no one for miles…except sheep and cows...and one resident robin!
We walked around the coastline, meandered along very blustery beaches, shopped our way through some of the towns in the area and spent our nights in such a peaceful and relaxing blissfulness that we really didn’t feel like coming home.

It turns out that doing nothing is harder than it looks and we found it hard to adjust at first. I found myself sitting down all peaceful on the outside but inside I’d be racking my brain trying to figure out what it was I was supposed to be doing!! A kind of panic set in as we realised we were to have no mobiles and no internet. There was no list writing, no timetables and no plans of things to do or see but by the end of the week we were wondering where the time had gone!

Christmas day we went out for a ramble in the countryside that turned into a full on mountain climb as we took the hard way up the hill…completely ignoring the pathway. It was however the very thing we needed and once home we were able to eat, drink and open presents knowing we were simply too exhausted to go out again!
We walked around Strumble head, along Newgale beach, explored Pembroke castle and Haverfordwest town, had coffee in St Davids and got drenched in Carmarthen.

Prior to leaving I managed to get everything I needed to done. Which of course means that some things fell by the wayside. I did get the scarf done (at the eleventh hour) and the mystery project (photos later this week) A few last minute, non-craft subsistuions were made but once again it was knocked in to me that I can't do least not in the month of December!
Once we reached the cottage all motivation (and my brain) disappeared and all I was capable of doing was stocking stitch on the “should have been long finished” Pippa bag. Even that didn’t last long and I switched on to cross stitch…which I haven’t been interested in for almost 2 years! The change was nice tho and all aches and pains have since disappeared.

Photos I have in abundance, and will post them over the next week or so, of knitting projects, Christmas and Wales!

Sunday 23 December 2007

Silly Season Salutations!!

Well it's still dark out and we're setting off in a mo to Wales for our countryside Christmas but I couldn't leave without wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas!

May your turkey cook all the way through, may the weather be exactly right for where ever you are, may you receive no paper cuts, may all the toffee's in the bowl be the ones you like, may your Santa hat not fit too tightly, may you eat more than you should be able too and may none of your presents require that fake "OH I love it!"

More seriously I hope that each and every one of you spends Christmas surrounded by friends and family, knowing exactly how lucky and loved you are, giving thanks for it and sharing the feeling around when ever you have opportunity!

Merry Christmas everyone.

Friday 21 December 2007

Hear those sleigh bells jing-a-ling...

hmmm...not sure if those are the exact words but that's the way I sing it. And carol singing I am these days since I picked up a '4 CD' compilation of Christmas songs. I think I now have every song with the word Christmas in it that's ever been written!!

Today is the end. The end of my contract and thus current employment, the end of work for everyone else, the end of my time to get things done. What doesn't happen today doesn't happen.
Most folks have until Christmas day. I have no such luxury because I am off to Wales!! We have hired a lovely cottage in the middle of nowhere and will be taking off this weekend with some equally lovely friends to spend a relaxing, peaceful, countrified Christmas.

It's going to be great! Lovely winter rambles through the countryside, long wanders along blustery deserted beaches, warm cozy nights in front of the fire! I might even get lucky and have some snow! (although they say it's going to warm up a bit by then)

It's not all joy and tinsel tho as I'm teetering on the edge of what I think will be a nasty cold and my hand is still playing up making knitting of presents more painful than is comfortable.
Cards all done
Calendars all done
Presents all done
Mince pies all done (thank god!)
Biscotti all done

...just a bit of a scarf and 1/2 a beanie to go...then it's Christmas!

Wednesday 19 December 2007

It's a wrap!

I’m convinced there is a black hole specifically for mince pies…if not even more specifically for mince pies that I make!! No sooner do they come out of the oven than they disappear faster than I can count, the little buggers!

But aside from the mince pies, frantic knitting, aching finger joints and rampant tinsel that is my life at the moment…

I was hoping to have some photos to post today but see above sentence for reason as to why that hasn’t happened. Perhaps tomorrow……although if I'm honest that's not likely either!
I am having a Christmas night tonight. I am sending the other half out and spending the night in delicious Christmas-ness. It’s the bit I really enjoy (aside from the cooking)…the wrapping of presents! There's nothing like a glass of wine, a CD of Christmas carols and miles of shimmery ribbon to get you in the Christmas spirit!

OK I get that this doesn't work for everybody. Some folks prefer death by tinsel to wrapping presents. So here are my top tips for Christmas wrapping in the misguided notion that they might make things easier...if only by providing a distraction from the task at hand!!

10. Never wrap anything if there are pets in the room…they will want to help!

9. Double sided tape is your friend.

8. Glitter is fun and pretty but you’ll be finding it on your face for the next three months…I’m just saying…

7. Always have a theme. Matching paper and ribbon/bows etc. It always makes presents look more special if they all look similarly wrapped.

6. Always measure and cut the paper to size. If you don’t you’ll end up with too little and you'll have to patch it or waste paper OR too much which results in bulky, messy ends! And nobody likes a messy end!

5. For awkward shapes either put into a square box for easy of wrapping or use non paper wrapping…cellophane, gift bags, fabric etc

4. Bows, ribbons and other adornments make people go “Ooooh” and think that you’ve spent ages on their present!

3. Don’t do it at the last moment. That's just asking for stress. I like to do all mine at once and make an occasion of it so I pick a day in the week before and do it then. Some folks like to do a couple a day or as they buy them.

2. Keep all your wrapping bits in one place. Paper, tape, cards, pens, scissors. There’s nothing more annoying and less festive than loud swearing drowning out the Christmas carols as you hunt for a pair of scissors or non existent sticky tape

And my No.1 top tip.....

1. One glass of wine gets you in the Christmas spirit…two will only lead to tears and presents that looked like the dog wrapped them.

Monday 17 December 2007

I can see the light...

Yup....faintly glimmering in the distance I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not there yet but I feel the weight lifting off my shoulders...that familiar "more things done than to do" feeling of relief.

The weekend was a productive one. Much running around like those headless chickens we always hear about, much last minute desperate snatching of odd items off the shelves, much substituting of ingredients I'd forgotten to buy!!!

Nah, actually it wasn't that bad. I did have to go back to our corner store about 5 times for things I'd forgotten during my mammoth cooking session in which I made 4 doz mince pies, 3 lots of biscotti, one meat pie and the stuffing for the turkey! The mince pies were all for gifts and would you believe I've run out!

Knitting News - Almost there. I'm about 1/2 way on the scarf and have cast on for the last beanie. The mystery project that must not be named is done bar the felting. Unfortunately my hands are starting to protest loudly so it's now a race against my joints! I might have to revise my knitting plans for over the holidays.

Saturday night we took time out from Christmas to go see Kate Rusby. Folk singer extraordinaire, it was a great night. Kate was on form and having as much fun as we were. We were all given song sheets at the door and eventually she got everyone singing and joining it. It actually felt quite festive and was a really friendly atmosphere.
Plus I got taken out to dinner!! By Matt, not Kate. We went to Carluccios a great Italian restaurant where I indulged my love of calamari, liver (I am strange I know) and gelati! Not all at the same time of course!!

A very bad picture of Kate Rusby on stage.

Friday 14 December 2007

Oh No it Isn't!!!

OH YES IT IS!!!! Yup it's Panto time again and this year we decided to go with some friends of ours. It's possible that we were the loudest people in the audience, it's possible that there is some embarrasment still lingering....and it's possible that I haven't had so much fun in ages!!
The title shot...which set the scene for amazing, glittering sets that had great attention to detail....I thought so anwyay!
Buttons (Jon Clegg) and the Wicked Step Mother (Dave Lynn). I'm still not sure who Buttons was supposed to be in the fairy tale but he was very funny.
The two Ugly Step Sisters, Kim & Aggie..their dresses were amazing.
I so want the little round handbags they have in this photo.
Prince Charming being introduced to the Ugly Step Sisters.....
A close up of their costumes. Many rubber gloves died for this panto!
Prince Charming (Jorden Bird) in full song, with his Valet Dandini (Ben Redfern)

Muffins, Pies and a Bus

Finally here are the muffin pictures, which after all that waiting are sure to be an anti climax. They are Peanut Butter and Choc chip muffins (recipe below) which turned out rather well I think. Definitely a keeper although I’d like the Peanut butter taste to be a little stronger. I’m not sure how I’d do that though….increase the amount of PB? Not sure.
Also some mince pie pictures because it is the season after all! Don’t you love the mug too!!!
And some bonus shots. Last night we were sitting peacefully watching TV when we heard a banging sound. It wasn’t long before it became a drumming sound and very rhythmic and loud it was too. Then suddenly this appeared outside.
We think it was some sort of charity collection but there were no signs so we’re unsure what charity it was. The top was open and the band (drummers) were up there with a familiar face…… HO HO HO!
Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip Muffins

2/3 cup peanut butter
2 tablespoons butter -- melted
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1-1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1-1/2 cups flour
1-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup milk
1 cup chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350-degrees.
In a large bowl, combine the peanut butter and margarine until well blended.
Mix in sugar, eggs, and vanilla.
Combine flour with baking powder and baking soda.
Add to peanut butter mixture along with milk and chocolate chips.
Mix well. Spoon into 12 lined muffin tins.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until muffins spring back when touched lightly in the center.

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Back to Stage Two

OH dear....still no photos of pretty muffins & mince pies. Sorry. I'm writing myself a note because if I forget again tonight they'll be all gone!!

I am much happier and calmer today as I was able to get some Christmas shopping done yesterday afternoon AND I only have two little things left to get!!!! WOO HOO It's a weight lifted off my shoulders, a dark cloud blown from my brow and the stage 4 red alert has been downgraded to a stage 2 slightly orange alert!! Which is pretty much normal in my life.

To tide you over till the food photos here are some pics of the needle holder I found time to make myself a couple of weeks ago. I love, love, love the bold fabric on the inside!

Such pretty patterns! And how arty is this shot!! I might be finally getting the whole blog photography thing.

Tuesday 11 December 2007

Panic Stations!

Like knitters all around the world at the moment I am starting to struggle with the terrifying and impending deadline that is Christmas.
Every year I overload myself with tasks and crafty type stuff to wow and impress people. (why I don't know) This year I tried to play it safe and be realistic about my time frame.
I knew the knitting projects would take more time and since the event is set to be rather low key this year I figured not so much craft was needed. And so my initial list was short, concise and full of smaller projects.

I think the key word there is initial!!!!

The list has grown. It has taken on a life of it's own and I am powerless to prevent new crafty ideas joining the queue. It's like a giant runaway conga line. Out of control and joyously snaking it's way towards my tinsel covered doom!

Somehow having a shorter list backfired and instead of having enough time to get everything done comfortably my underworked brain diverted itself (I am in no way responsible) to other areas.....thus creating more work and NOT creating more time!!! I've not even started on the annual Christmas cooking of biscotti and rum balls and eleventy million mince pies to give out and it's already two weeks to Christmas. (this is something I realised this morning) And I'm not any further along with the knittng!!!

Why does this happen every year. It's not like we don't know it's coming. But damn it I plan for why do I feel so behind?

Here are some photos of my tree. Twinkly lights soothe the worried beast!
And with the light off so you can see the lovely fibreoptics twinkling away!

Monday 10 December 2007

Is it a bird? A plane?

No it’s the weekend flying by at the speed of sound…blink and you’ll miss it!!

And that’s exactly what I feel I did. I achieved nothing, I didn't get any extra sleep and I pretty much feel like I've gone straight from Friday night to Monday morning!!

I went Christmas shopping but bought nothing, I went out but did nothing, I cleaned but it didn’t make any difference, I knitted but seem to have made no progress! It’s like there was no weekend at all!

The only thing I managed to do was produce some mince pies and peanut butter and choc chip muffins. Both of which look so pretty I will take pictures tonight and post them tomorrow if only to prove that I actually did get something done this weekend!!

I lie though, I did do something else. Friday night was the night I’ve long and eagerly awaited. We had tickets to Crowded House!!!!! That I have to come half way around the world to see them was strange but it was the best concert I’ve been to in ages!
Despite the night being sold out the entire concert felt small and intimate. The band chatted to each other and the audience and were clearly having a great time. They got us all singing and involved in the songs and by the end we felt like we’d not just been to a great concert, but rather had joined in a jam session with the guys.
At one point the audience sang the chorus to "Fall at your feet" without the band and as Neil was reverent. The feeling of happiness in the audience that the band was performing again was tangible.

I remember sitting in my room listening the farewell concert in Sydney over 10 years ago and feeling so sad I’d never got to see these guys live. Well now I have and it not only lived up to all my expectations but it blew them away! Absolutely Brilliant!

I guess the weekend wasn't a complete loss then!!!

Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so I have no pictures for you all. I hang my head in shame…

Friday 7 December 2007

Thursday Bit's n Bob's

I don't have a lot to say for myself this week. it's been a bit of a slog getting out the Christmas cards, parcels, letters and what not and there's not been much room for anything else. It's all Christmas at the moment...even though we don't even have our tree up yet (this weekend) It's even got to the knitting...but then Christmas knitting is exciting.

I sit there and knit as usual but I also have the added pleasure of imaging the recipients face when they finally see what I’ve done. Particularly if they know a little about knitting and how long it takes and how much time someone has just dedicated to them. Of course there’s the trepidation that goes with it too…what if they don’t like it or already have one or are secretly and violently allergic to yarn (anything but that!)

I have several projects on the go at the moment and despite there being a distinct lack of time between now and Christmas I am confident I’ll get them done. I have been quite restrained (although some people don’t think so!!) Of my five projects I have one and a half done and two of the remaining should be easy and relatively quick. Ok the other 1 & ½ are not so easy, have the potential for disaster and will probably make my life a living hell for the rest of the month but I still think I can do it!!
It would be good if I could knit on the train as I travel to work and back but there's just not enough elbow room. That would solve both the time issues with the knitting and the lesser problem of what to read next!!

I have just finished reading Wolf of the Plains by Conn Iggulden and I’m so excited that he has started another series. His last set were about Julius Caesar and a great read that kept me turning the pages faster and faster to get to the end.
Wolf of the Plains is about Genghis Khan and the first book of the series (the second book is released in January) is equally as well written and fascinating to read. I’m only disappointed that I’ve caught up to him and now have to wait until the books are released one by one rather than buying them all and reading them all at once in a great big orgy of story telling!!

It’s rare I find a book that I really like at the moment. With a couple of hours a day on the train I find I grab anything that looks remotely interesting in the library rather than searching for something I would be truly interested in. Mostly this is because after more than a year of this commuting I’ve read just about everything in the library that I would be interested in.
However this is a good way to find new authors…I wouldn’t have picked up Iggulden’s books otherwise!

So what’s everyone else reading at the moment? Any suggestions of good books for me to read?

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Little peeks into peoples lives

I like blogging. I'm not sure why because it actually creates extra work for me but I can't help myself, I like it. I get a weird sense of connection by putting my life out there. Connection to what? I don't know. Part of me refuses to believe there's anyone reading what I write here aside from my mum!! Who else would be interested? There's barely enough knitting content to interest knitters and way too much to interest non knitters!! (note to self :- decide who the audience is)

But it appears that there are a few of you out there reading away, despite my lack of faith, because not only did I find someone last night who reads my blog but also I have access to an Analyser gizmo.

Yup I have a tool that helps me make sense of the traffic that comes and goes on this blog. And so when I feel like no one else on earth could possibly be interested in what I have to say I can log in and prove to myself that such people do exist.

And you guys are from all over the place!!

There are places I’d expect to see on there. Places where I know people and have spread the blog Australia (Melbourne & Brisbane in particular) and of course England but it never ceases to amaze me that there are so many other countries on there. Holland, India, Sudan, Indonesia, Spain, US, Germany, Russia & Japan as well as places in Australia and England where I don’t know anyone at all.

I love reading blogs myself and have quite a few I visit on a daily or weekly basis. I love reading about things other people have done, both in their lives and their crafts. Obviously I'm not the only one who feels this way because there are many thousands of people out there doing the same thing as me. (Just do a search on a topic that interests you and add blog to the end of it....see how many results come up!!)

I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that there are people who like reading about my life!

Diagnosis Christmas!

Well I’ve not been too well this past week so I apologise if the posts have seemed a tad half hearted. I’ve had some strange combinations of sinus pressure, earaches, jaw aches and raised glands.
The doctor says it’s stress related and showing up because I’m run down and not sleeping so good.
I say….what have I got to stress about??
Christmas sneaking up behind me? Travel plans not coming together? Being unemployed? Sending out a eleventy million Christmas cards? Never doing any study? Not having enough hours in the day? Family in Hospital? Turkeys that might not fit in the oven? Never seeing the sun again?

HA…I laugh at your diagnosis of stress………

No really it’s not so bad...for Christmas anyway. I think the sudden onslaught of winter and Christmas at the same time has caught a lot of people by surprise this year and the shops are heaving and scary with desperate people carrying obscene amounts of bags. Normally I’m done my shopping by now (Ok I think one year I was done early and I’ve never managed it again but like to think that that year was normal!) but this year I still have a few things to get and I’m too scared to venture out. Friday I came home early by way of the shopping zone and although it was only a weekday it looked like Saturday lunchtime.
It’s worse because I know I have to go out there next Saturday. I daren’t leave it any later...the craziness brings back too many memories of working retail in London over Christmas and the sales. Shudder…

On the weekend I managed to drum up the energy to go to the Food and Drink Fair at Ardingly. We went last year and got the best ham we’ve ever had and the same people were there this year as well. Plus the lovely wines, cheeses, sausages and pies that we might be stressful but this Christmas is set to be a very yummy one too!

I finally got around to taking some pictures of the beanie (and my head) I recently finished. I didn't realise it came out so yellow. You can see the lovely self stripyness but unfortunately you can't feel the gorgeous softness of it!! It's Rowan the Antique colourway I think.

Ok it's only a beanie...but it's my first beanie and I'm rather proud of it!
Now I just have to knit one for myself!!