Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Back to Stage Two

OH dear....still no photos of pretty muffins & mince pies. Sorry. I'm writing myself a note because if I forget again tonight they'll be all gone!!

I am much happier and calmer today as I was able to get some Christmas shopping done yesterday afternoon AND I only have two little things left to get!!!! WOO HOO It's a weight lifted off my shoulders, a dark cloud blown from my brow and the stage 4 red alert has been downgraded to a stage 2 slightly orange alert!! Which is pretty much normal in my life.

To tide you over till the food photos here are some pics of the needle holder I found time to make myself a couple of weeks ago. I love, love, love the bold fabric on the inside!

Such pretty patterns! And how arty is this shot!! I might be finally getting the whole blog photography thing.

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

VERY arty. I'd say you are a lot further on than 'finally getting this photography thing' - you've had it for ages!