Wednesday 19 December 2007

It's a wrap!

I’m convinced there is a black hole specifically for mince pies…if not even more specifically for mince pies that I make!! No sooner do they come out of the oven than they disappear faster than I can count, the little buggers!

But aside from the mince pies, frantic knitting, aching finger joints and rampant tinsel that is my life at the moment…

I was hoping to have some photos to post today but see above sentence for reason as to why that hasn’t happened. Perhaps tomorrow……although if I'm honest that's not likely either!
I am having a Christmas night tonight. I am sending the other half out and spending the night in delicious Christmas-ness. It’s the bit I really enjoy (aside from the cooking)…the wrapping of presents! There's nothing like a glass of wine, a CD of Christmas carols and miles of shimmery ribbon to get you in the Christmas spirit!

OK I get that this doesn't work for everybody. Some folks prefer death by tinsel to wrapping presents. So here are my top tips for Christmas wrapping in the misguided notion that they might make things easier...if only by providing a distraction from the task at hand!!

10. Never wrap anything if there are pets in the room…they will want to help!

9. Double sided tape is your friend.

8. Glitter is fun and pretty but you’ll be finding it on your face for the next three months…I’m just saying…

7. Always have a theme. Matching paper and ribbon/bows etc. It always makes presents look more special if they all look similarly wrapped.

6. Always measure and cut the paper to size. If you don’t you’ll end up with too little and you'll have to patch it or waste paper OR too much which results in bulky, messy ends! And nobody likes a messy end!

5. For awkward shapes either put into a square box for easy of wrapping or use non paper wrapping…cellophane, gift bags, fabric etc

4. Bows, ribbons and other adornments make people go “Ooooh” and think that you’ve spent ages on their present!

3. Don’t do it at the last moment. That's just asking for stress. I like to do all mine at once and make an occasion of it so I pick a day in the week before and do it then. Some folks like to do a couple a day or as they buy them.

2. Keep all your wrapping bits in one place. Paper, tape, cards, pens, scissors. There’s nothing more annoying and less festive than loud swearing drowning out the Christmas carols as you hunt for a pair of scissors or non existent sticky tape

And my No.1 top tip.....

1. One glass of wine gets you in the Christmas spirit…two will only lead to tears and presents that looked like the dog wrapped them.

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Great tips for wrapping parcels! I do much of mine along your lines, with the exception of a glass of wine. I'd probably spill it all over the wrapping paper or something...If your mince pies are as good as your Mum's pies this year, your friends are in for a real treat! Hers are the best I've tasted this year. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hugs from Gina and Ken