Wednesday 24 October 2007

Ghost Tree

I've been a bit slack this week so far. I have stuff to say but cant seem to get motivated enough to put it on here. Too many other things flying around my head I think. So here are some more pictures. The first one is of a tree in my street. I call it the Ghost tree because of the way the leaves go so white in the light of the street lamp. I know it looks a little yellowy (which is still nice) here but trust's white to look at.
Below is a street on my way home. At the moment there are millions of leaves just waiting for me to 'shoosh' my way through them! And I had to include the post box of course!
More leaves. This are was carpeted with orange, yellow and brown. The colours don't come out so good on camera...something I shall work on over the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great photos as usual. I brings back memories of when I was there and I so need to win tatts so I can see theses scenes again.