Monday 15 October 2007


Does anyone else do that thing where they put clothes on and get to work and then think…this doesn’t feel right? Not for any particular reason. Just that somehow the clothes feel “off” or not right or whatever and so you end up spending the day feeling really crap and old and...well...frumpy? Nope? That’s just me then…EXCELLENT!

The situation is not being helped by the fact that the magical powers of “THEY” have decided to sit someone in the desk next to me. This is something that I don’t mind particularly, the desk is there to be used I understand that. It’s just that the angle of the computer/desk is such that it feels and looks like the strange man is staring at me all the time.

It’s making me a tad uncomfortable. It's making me a little narky. I keep wanting to ask him what he wants or tell him not to stare. Instead I'm getting increasingly clumsy. My pens have never been harder to pick up, papers are flying everywhere and come lunchtime when there is soup involved...well I just don't want to think about it.

Stupid staring man.

So…how was your weekend? Mine was short!! Managed to get down to the park in search of chestnuts and took a couple of pictures which I will post tomorrow. The weather was surprisingly good with one of those crisp clean autumn days that make you think of log fires and mulled wine. Well I do anyway!

Friday night at the Pampered Chef party was great. There was a large quantity of wine consumed and a fair amount of money spent. I did manage to control the credit card and came away with only what I’d been planning to buy…that is the stoneware roasting tray.
Saturday was shopping and coffee with K & S and also M from Redhill…again didn’t buy too much and so am feeling rather proud of myself at the moment.
I even got some knitting done although true to form I’ve since had to rip it out. I figured out belatedly that I was knitting the collar at the wrong end. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to reading knitting patterns!
Anyway I managed to pick up the 200 odd stitches successfully and now I’m back on track. I daresay that by the time I’ve finished this cardigan I’ll never want to see it again let alone wear it!!!

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Can you ask the Powers That Be to have the angle of your desk (or the other bloke's desk) moved so you aren't exposed to him? Not a nice they do things over there like they do here where you can run around yelling 'harassment, discrimination' and other important sounding words, and go home with a zillion dollar payout? No? Well, just a suggestion.