Friday, 29 June 2007

Cats & Dogs

Indeed it’s been a photo week and I’m not going to stop here! With all the practise I’m getting, the ability to post photos without unsightly spacing issues has to sink in to my brain. At some point!

Plus there’s not much else to blog about really. It’s wet here. Very wet. Even for summer!!! Everything is waterlogged including the people and the devastation caused by flooding (particularly in the north) may have even made it to TV’s in OZ (where some of you are)

We ourselves have not yet been effected by the flooding, unless you count the fact that we are unable to get out into the backyard due to a large lake that forms in that area every time it rains heavily. Of course since it’s raining there’s no reason to go out into the back yard. Certainly not to water with the many containers of water I have saved up for a non rainy day!!
And just think...this time last year I was madly lugging those containers around the yard trying desperately to keep everything watered and alive.

For all the anti global warming views that float around you have to admit that something is going on. Something is changing and in all likelihood humans, as the species with the most influence and impact on the earth today are probably to blame.
The real question now is…is this going to be a change we can live with.

My that was all very deep for a Friday morning of, as yet, only one coffee!! That’s probably my thinking quota for the day!!
So to end the week on a more positive note here are some photos of the backyard (as promised earlier) in dryer times! Have a good weekend everyone.

Bee in flight...a sharper shot than the one I posted earlier this week.
Spotlight of sun on white flower.
The flower was under a tree and in dappled shade. I'd like to say it was skill that took the photo but it was just pure luck that the sun shone through when it did.
One of the many frogs we find in the backyard. You'd think with all of them out there I'd have no problems with slugs eating the'd think.

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