Tuesday 16 September 2008

Surprise Socks!

I was very grown up a month or so ago and went through all my WIP's reclassifying some of them as "on hold" and some of them "No, never, what was I thinking". I even restrained myself from starting others I knew I didn't have the time for, what with the billion & ninety boxes I need to unpack etc.

This obviously triggered that part of my brain that is responsible for the levels of craziness my life aspires to and seeing those levels drop dangerously close to normal it has kicked into overdrive. I found myself signing up for the Ravelolympics. I didn't mean to, I sorta didn't want to...but I did it anyway.

To those who are not knitters this is the Knitting equivalent of the Olympics. While the Olympics are on knitters all over the world take part in various knitting events and a whole lot of knitterly fun is had by all.
Having just finished my first ever sock (not pair...just one), decided to take part in the "Sockput". I swore to finish one complete pair of socks before the Olympic flame went out. I seriously doubted my ability to complete one sock let alone two in just over two weeks but what the hey! Socks are small right!

Of course the Olympics are long over now but I was unable to post about the socks until they had reached their new owner. Having just heard that this has happened I am now free to post about it.

Sadly I didn't complete the socks by the time the Olympic flame went out. I was roughly a toe short on the second sock and once the deadline passed (predictably) other things got in the way so it was almost a week after the deadline before they were finished. However they were infinitely better than my first sock which is good since they were a present and also gives me hope that one day I'll be able to do those lovely lacy socks I see all over knitting blog land.

I love the colour,
I love that I finished two of them with little trouble, I love that I got them done inside three weeks, I love that I was able to give my knitting mentor something so special and knitted AND I love that they fitted!!At the finish line I was here, just about to start decreases for the toe. I still don't understand why the leg part of the socks are the same (pattern wise) but they change at the heel. Very odd I reckon.

Close up of colour and pattern

And of course proof that, although I felt they were a wee bit on the small side, they do actually fit!!

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