Friday 29 August 2008

Just your average weekend

The weekend is upon us and I can’t believe how excited I am to have two whole days of nothingness.
Of course I’ll be filling the nothingness with a whole mess of stuff. Remember I have a gazillion and ninety boxes to unpack, plus the garden needs to be stared at harshly in the hope it will fix itself, the bathroom needs a good talking to about its personal odour and there are muffins to be baked! I suspect there will be several visits to the hardware store and at least one to the plumbing store. There are several family members that need visiting and Mr Blueyarn has promised me breakfast at the local café.

In amongst all this I am determined to sleep in, go to a market, see a movie and get some beading done!

Just your average relaxing weekend really!!

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Muffins? Did I hear/read MUFFINS?? When? Are we invited?