Tuesday 11 March 2008

ho hum

I was a bit quiet last week wasn't I. It wasn't on purpose exactly. Time is slipping by very fast at the moment and I'm up to my ears (and over....I'm not that tall) in boxes and packing materials. It's amazing how much stuff you collect over 6 years and it all has to be sorted and either thrown out or boxed up. It's also amazing how much dust is involved.....I must have sneezed about elevently million times yesterday!

I should have it pretty much done by the end of this week but it's meant stealing time from other activities like blogging and knitting etc.

I have managed to squeeze in a tiny project that I found as a kit in a pound store. (If you'll excuse the slightly blurry photo)
It's a teddy bear!!! It doesn't look like much right now but after I've sewn it up and stuffed it I'm hoping that the cuteness might take hold. I don't know if you can see but they are actually joined. They are knitted all in one piece and remind me so much of those paper cut out people...where you fold the paper and then cut out the person so it unfolds into a whole series of people. I always cut in the wrong place and would end up with loads of individuals. I did toy with the idea of continuing knitting but decided that would be silly.....for now!

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