Yup I’m an Elvis fan and so on the day of his death I celebrate his life and wonder what he’d think of all the hoo hah. Anyway just a small moment to mark the occasion.
So I’m a bit behind on the organisation of the photos…there’s just been no time to sit down and do it since we got back. No need to panic tho as I anticipate getting some processed before we take off for Canada. However there is loads to talk about aside from Ireland and so hence forth this post shall be Ireland free!
The day after we got back from ‘you know where’ was Ladies Day at the Brighton races and YUP I was there. All dolled up in me fanciest frock complete with my most hurtiest shoes and, a little strangely for me…a hat!! It was a great day and although I didn’t make any money I think I came out even or perhaps slightly ahead…I dunno
We’ve also been to a wedding which was lovely and elegant and held at the gorgeous mansion that is
Stanmer Park. While it wasn’t something I would have chosen for myself it was really nice to wander around the place and pretend we were all a bit posh for the day!
On top of all that we’ve had guests over from Italy who arrived on the day we got back and even though we have been pretty much exhausted since then they have been lovely, trouble free guests whose little boy is the happiest most adorable baby I’ve ever met. I think he cried once during the week and that was because he hit his head on the table…something that makes me cry as well. They are leaving today and we shall miss them heaps.
But I have to say that the thought of being able to go home and flop on the couch without worrying about anyone else is an attractive one!
I made an awesome vegetable soup the other day. I love it when something you’re doing without guidance suddenly works really well. I even remember what I did so I should be able to do it again. I just boiled the veg (carrots, onion, cabbage, broccoli and potatoes and added some salt and pepper, garlic and a tspn of curry powder. Whizzed it all till it was smooth and added in some cooked soup mix (various split peas, barley, pasta etc) and sprinkled some shavings of parmesan on top to make it look posh! I think next time I’ll use actual chicken stock as the base and roast the veg but other than that I think this one’s a keeper!
I have problems with my arms. Actually I have problems with many things but at the moment the focus is on my arms or rather the arms that I’m knitting. I think they are too long and I’m going to have to undo the one I’ve finished. The thought of undoing all that knitting has filled me with dread and a reluctance to continue on with the other sleeve till I know what I’m doing. So last night I started something else!! I am entering into the world of felting and have picked a gorgeous bag out of Rowan's "The Felted Collection" book.
The theory is that I knit the bag and wash it at a high heat causing the fibres to meld together (felting) and then I simply sew up the bag!! Sounds easy huh!
There’s a photo
here of the bag. And for those that might care I’m using Rowan Kid Classic, 851 – Straw for the main part of the bag and Rowan Tapestry, 174 – Rustic for the details.
Not much going on here I’m afraid. The lettuce I planted out before we left for ‘that place we went to’ has grown and is ready to eat but little else is good. The beans died while I was away and the tomatoes are sad and pathetic to say the least and I’ve only had three cucumbers from four plants. I don’t know what’s going on with this year so I’m blaming the weather and eel worms for all my gardening ills. (although I suspect that Blight is largely to blame for the tomatoes)
On the up side of things the cactus’s I grew from seed (yes from seed!) have tripled in size. I’ll have to get a picture of one of them on here cause it’s split into the strangest shape.
Also my basil is doing great and ready for pesto making!
Weekend Plans…
Pesto Making!!!! (and sleep!)