Tuesday, 20 November 2007

No Brainer!

I think I’ve used up all my brain cells.

I wasn’t aware that I had a finite amount but it’s becoming clear that demand is exceeding supply. The progression of the problem is such that it is clearly visible not only to myself and those that know and love me regardless but also to complete strangers.

I am a very organised person. I write lists…hell I’m the queen of lists. I have lists of my lists……which is another discussion altogether! It’s enough just to say that I squeeze many things into my days. Sometimes I take on too much but usually I manage and on the odd occasion that I don’t there’s always some knitting and a glass of wine to help me regain perspective!

However recently it seems that I am incapable (not only of doing nothing but) of functioning at my usual standards. Recently it seems I have trouble buttoning up my shirts! In fact things are so bad I’m surprised I’m still feeding myself.
I’ve sent cards to the wrong addresses, double booked (and bought tickets) on no less than three occasions…and counting AND this morning I was busy standing in front of the door of my train waiting for the driver to appear and unlock it so I could find my seat and go to sleep when another ‘regular’ on the train approached me. It went a little something like this…

Me (muttering to myself) – “What does he want? This isn’t his usual carriage, go away strange man.”

Man (not strange at all) – “You do know there’s another train further up?”

Me – “Wah?”

Man – “Your standing in front of the wrong train?”

Me (looking at watch) – “Huh?”

Man (giving up and starting to walk away from a lost cause) – “The train we catch is in front of this train.”

Me (comprehension slowly dawning on me and running after man) – “OH MY GOD! Thank you so much, that’s so nice of you, I can’t believe I was that stupid”

Man (clearly sorry he stopped to talk to the strange lady) – “ah…excuse me!”

This degeneration of my intellect has been going on for a few months now and I am steadfast in my placement of the blame. It’s the weather and Christmas. One or the other I could handle but Snow in November (cruelly not at my house) and prolonged exposure to loud Christmas carols has rendered me unfit for participation in my own life, let alone any involvement in the outside world.

However I still have enough of my facilities to be exceedingly grateful to the lovely man who, although I see every day I’ve never spoken too, decided to take a moment out of his morning to ensure someone else’s morning wasn’t incredibly disastrous. Thank you. You have restored my faith in public transport and those that travel on it. And after last nights nose picking, mp3 sharing hooligan that’s really something!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kathie after that kindness I think you should further embarrass him by giving him a small gift so of xmas confectionery as a thank you. Mind you he may never to that kind deed again but it would be nice guesture. mum